Desire Lines, Sarah Doerfel, Len Lye, Yana Zschiedrich, 2023, Hilbertraum Berlin

The desire for escape routes from social conventions is the focus of the exhibition Desire Lines curated by Carola Uehlken. The art works of Sarah Doerfel, Len Lye and Yana Zschiedrich deal with protozoa, mealworms and leeches, making them the protagonists of innovative material breakdown and alternative medicine. 


Sensing Landmarks III, 2022, BAS Bergen School of Architecture

Guided Tour, Conceptualisation and Tour Guide
Yohei Hamada, John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal, Carima Neusser, Else Olsen Storesund, Carola Uehlken

Sensing Landmarks brought together dance, visual art, architecture and music with the aim of creating a multi sensorial guided tour that was specific to BAS‘s architecture, history and natural setting. The tour examined the metabolism of the building in relation to that of the human body. The project was funded by Nordic Culture Fund and Bergen Kommune.

Produced by Vision Forum, Tomorrow’s Art Audience and Ny Musikk Bergen. Special thanks to Bergen Dansesenter and BAS Bergen School of Architecture.


The Ledger of the Sun, 2022, Architecture Triennale, Oslo
Lecture Performance

“The Ledger of the Sun” was organised by artist-researcher Jamie Allen with contributions by Jan Nikolai Nelles, Carola Uehlken, Gary Zhexi Zhang, Louise Emily Carver and Thomas Turnbull. Collaborative writings by Dani Admiss, James Bridle and Catarina de Almeida Brito will be published as an Empyreal Ephmeride, which accompanies the event. A walk and a specially designed canapé meal, created in collaboration with the Oslo Botanical Gardens and Oslo-based organic chef, gardener Kia Vulgaris: interventions and readings, media and moments created experiences of solar pasts, and solar futures.


Temple of Emerging Histories, Temple of Alternative Histories, 2022, Staatstheater Kassel 


This weekend program was dedicated to the permeability of ecosystems, transfiguring the boundary between the architectures surrounding us and the architecture of our  own bodies. In an interplay between activist and tragicomic approaches, visual artists Eli Cortinas, Susanne Kriemann, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Lola Göller, Riina Hannula, Egill Saebjörnsson, Kasia Fudakowski and Philipp Modersohn address the absurdities of the administration of life and the temples of our time. The Community Labor e.V. Kassel offered microscopic insights into the future of the food industry, while probiotic drinks were served to stimulate the brain-gut axis of the visitors from the inside. The program culminated in the Science Slam organised by the University of Kassel in the frame of the Science Year 2022. 


Microbes at Court, 2022, Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin
Lecture Performance

About microbes, stones and orbits – thoughts on haptic knowledge, circulating narratives and transitions between the organic and the inorganic as part of the exhibition „Stretching Materialities - Hidden Activities in Objects and Spaces"


RISE AND DIE ,  Dafna Maimon, Agnieszka Polska, Cheng Ran, Video Screening, 2022, Lyo Est, Metz, France

Co-curation with Arthur Debert


SORROWS, forThe Palliative Turn initiated by Olav Westphalen, 2021, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein Potsdam
Guided Car Tour

Simon Blanck, Kasia Fudakowski, Anna Gohmert, Annemarie Goldschmidt, Ethan Hayes-Chute, Lars-Erik Hjertström Lappalainen, Per Hüttner, Nina Katchadourian, Alex Kwartler, Karin Kytökangas, Keith Larson, Mathias Lempart, Dafna Maimon, Carima Neusser, Michael Norton, Rattelschneck, John-Luke Roberts, Xavier Robles de Medina, Lydia Roeder, Nala Tessloff, Carola Uehlken, Olav Westphalen


SENSING LANDMARKS, with Carima Neusser and John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal, Suomenlinna Helsinki, Finland, 2021 
Guided Tour

Funded by Nordic Culture Point


STAGE OF DEATH, with Carima Neusser, 2021, public markets in Berlin
Guided Tour for SOLO MARKT curated by Lola Göller & Johanna Landscheidt


POST IMPALPABLE RITES, Theodoulos Polyviou & Dakis Panayiotou, 2021, Künstlerhaus Bethanien



GOLD ALL IN MY VEINS, Sara Gurevitsch, Carima Neusser, Carola Uehlken and John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal, Old Mine Residency, Outokumpu, Finland, 2020
Guided tour


THE NATURE WITHIN, 2020, Italienske Palatset, Växjö, Sweden
Workshops, Performances, Lectures, Cooking Sessions

Partcipants: Elias Arnér (Professor in Biochemistry),  Giada Lo Re (PhD, Industrial and Materials Science), Carola Uehlken (Curator/Artist), Carima Neusser (Choreographer), MaiBritt Giacobini (Child psychiatrist MD, PhD), Per Hüttner (Visual artist/musician), Oskar Gudmundsson (Writer), Adriaan Samson (Writer), Freddie Ross (Art historian), Emil Krog (Visual artist),

Simone Bang Jørgensen (Visual artist) and Saber Rhaleb (Musician)


GLOSSARY OF ROTATING ACTIONS, Janine Eggert & Ash Moniz, KELDER, London, 2019  



THE VALUE OF FLOWERS, Daniel Kiss, Manuela Leinhoss, Carola Uehlken, Adriano Costa, 2019, Part One Cologne


 PIERRE-FEUILLE-DRAPEAU: ATTAQUE SUR LE MONDE RÉEL- Une programmation de films entre activisme et fantaisie, 
Ismail Bahri, Ma Ming, Shana Moulton, Pilvi Takala, Wermke Leinkauf, 2018, Musique Volantes, Metz  (France)

Video Screening, co-curation with Arthur Debert


BABEL LELAB, Private Artists Studios & Martin Goya Business, Hangzhou, 2018

Interdisciplinary Festival, Collaboration with Lola Göller, Benjamin Zuber & Arthur Debert 

Artists: ESA (Shanghai), 悟 Awu (Shanghai), Arthur Debert (Berlin), Deyi Studio, 夏意兰 Xia Yilan and Paul Devautour (Shanghai)

吴鼎 Wu Ding (Shanghai), Lola Göller (Berlin), 陈航峰 Chen Hangfeng (Shanghai), 大绵 Da Mian (Hangzhou), 马明 Maming (Hangzhou), 程然 Cheng Ran (Hangzhou), 胡任乂Hu Renyi (Shanghai), 毕蓉蓉 Bi Rong Rong (Shanghai), 龚颖颖 Jessie Yingying Gong (Amsterdam/Shanghai), Ecole Offshore (Shanghai), Guan (Shanghai), Dropdown (Hangzhou), Kenneth Dow (Stuttgart), Alisson Schmitt (Rennes), Alban Diaz (Paris), Pauline Lecerf (Paris), Li Siyi (Shanghai), Bruno Siegrist (Berlin), 樂華 Zhang Lehua (Shanghai), 宋兮 Song Xi (Shanghai), Lilli Kuschel (Berlin), Elisophie Eulenburg (Berlin), 李消非 Li Xiaofei (New Jersey, Shanghai), 小欣子 Wang Xin (Zhu Jiajiou), 马永峰 Ma Yongfeng (Hangzhou/Berlin), 袁遠 Yuan Yuan (Hangzhou), 王之博 Wang Zhibo (Hangzhou), Benjamin Zuber (Berlin), 宁佐弘 Ning Zuohong (Zhu Jiajiou), 冷月 Leng Yue and 枭笑 Xiao Xiao (Beijing), DMT Tattoo Department, 芬妮 Fanny Paldacci (Hangzhou), 玛莲娜 Marine Calamai (Hangzhou), 清妹 Yao Qingmei (Paris)

Cooperating Art Spaces: SPZ Prague, Babel Berlin, Ecole Offshore Shanghai, I: Project Space Beijing, Martin Goya Business Hangzhou

Supported by IFA Institute for Foreign Relationships 


THE MOBILE HOUSE TURNS WITH THE SUN, Niklas Goldbach, Verena Issel, Marion Orfila, Martijn in 't Veld, 2018, House of Egorn Berlin



Babel Berlin, Artistic Director, Construction Coordinator, 2017 - 2018

Co-curation with Arthur Debert

Invited artists: John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal, Daniel Bickett, Arthur Debert, Kyoung Jae Cho, Isak Han, special guest: Soja Juretschko, Brad Henkel, Nana Pi Aabo Larsen, Andreas Hoem Roysum,  John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal, Capucine Vandebroeck, Marion Orfila, Dietrich Meyer, Lola Göller, Michael Pohl, Sara Björg Bjarnadóttir, performers: Chloe Kwiatkowski, Guðrún Benónýsdóttir, Ingileif Franzdóttir Wechner, Michael-David Blostein, Sigurrós Eiðsdóttir, Sigrún Gyða, Simon Bittner, Ma Yongfeng,  Anne Brujean (Club Sandwich), Tiphaine Calmettes, Hanwei Li, Vincent Scheers, Chen Hangfeng, Saverio Tonoli, Franziska Klötzler


NEUSCHWANSTEIN, Performance with Arthur Debert, 2016, Kunsthallen Rottstrasse, Bochum

Nachrichten aus der Gegenwart 2 (News from the Present 2) curated by Sabine Huzikiewiz (Depot 4.9)


LIAN CONTEMPORARY ART SPACE, 2015 - 2016, Artistic Director

FALSE FIRMAMENT 空,  Berndnaut Smilde, 2015

LIGHT GAP  隙光, Li Qing, 2015

THE COOLING EFFECT 冷却塔, Mou Huan, 2015

DRINKING A DRINK, SINKING A SHIP  看一看想一想, Catharina Cramer, Nicholas Grafia, Susanne Griem, René Haustein, Niklas Heidemann, Philipp Höning, Daniel Hundt, Seungyho Jung, Sumi Kim, Christian Klement, Luisa Kömm, Johannes Leßke, Sebastian Liebl, Ill Jong Park, Jan Partke, Roman Podeszwa, Hanna Schneider, Meike Schulze-Hobeling, Stephanie Sczepanek, Katharina Siemeling, Vakho Sikharulidze, Kyoung Jae Cho, Manuel Talarico, 2016, in cooperation with V Art Center, CAC Chronus Art Center, Goethe Institute Shanghai and the Academy of Fine Arts Muenster


SNAKE , Gao Shan, Gisa Pantel, Rene Haustein, Inga Krüger, Wang Hongfeng, Wu Ding, Zhang Mei, Daniel Kiss

Katy Roseland, Jiang Jun & Wong Dan, Song Xi, 2015, summer programme for Bazaar Compatible Program Shanghai 


WATCH YOUR STEPS  小心台阶, Ash Moniz, Felix Kalmenson , Hu Weiyi, Wang Man, Double Fly Art Center, Wang Xin, Ruben Gaehrken, Sören Beineke, 2014, Bazaar Compatible Program &  Minsheng Art Museum Shanghai



RING AROUND THE DOWSER, Tim Woodward, 2014, Geological  Museum Muenster

Co-curation with Lejla Aliev, Manuel Talarico & Jan Enste


GOYS AND BIRLS, Bettina Dettmer & Willi Kramer, Ivan Geddert, Betsy Flock (Daniel Hundt) & Jan Partke, 

Gisa Pantel, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Anne Staab, Benjamin Zuber, 2013, Academy of Fine Arts Muenster

Co-curation with Clara Napp 


MARZ-E POR GOHAR, Bahar Taheri, 2013, FAK - Förderverein Aktuelle Kunst, Muenster

Co-curation with Lejla Aliev, Manuel Talarico & Jan Enste